
Social commitment

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.
George Bernard Shaw

An important part of our corporate phylisophy is to actively attempt to fulfil our social responsibility in our society.

Therefore we commited ourselves to support important soical services provider in order to relieve the distress around us.

This page is thought less as a prove for our modest social commitment, is it more thought to encourage every visitor of this page to get active himself against the indifference with his personal capabilities.

● SOS Kinderdörfer
● World Vision
● Peter Maffay Stiftung
● Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.
● Soldatenhilfswerk der Bundeswehr e.V.
● Förderkreis für tumor- und leukämiekranke Kinder Ulm e.V.
● Frauen- und Kinderschutzhaus Heidenheim
● Obdachlosenasyl Heidenheim
● DITIB - Türkisch islamische Gemeinde zu Aalen e.V.